Friday, February 3, 2023


How to Do Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) - The Easy Way


Welcome to the enlightening world of Bhujangasana, widely recognized as the Cobra Pose in the practice of yoga. Bhujangasana embodies a graceful yet potent posture that symbolizes renewal, awakening, and vitality. As we explore the realm of yoga, Bhujangasana emerges as a posture that holds both physical and symbolic significance. This asana, reminiscent of a cobra gracefully rising, encourages us to embrace strength, flexibility, and the awakening of our inner energies. Join us on this journey as we delve into the intricacies and benefits of Bhujangasana, understanding its alignment principles, its impact on the chakras, and the profound connection it fosters between body, mind, and spirit. Let's discover the transformative potential of Bhujangasana, cultivating a sense of rejuvenation and inner balance with each gentle arch of the spine, each mindful breath, and each moment of serenity it brings.

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So let's continue our wonderful journey. Now further we will try to get information about some important Yogasanas out of many yoga postures.

Before moving ahead, let us try to know whether there is any difference between Yogasanas and Meditation postures or not. There is not much difference between Yogasana and Meditation Postures, but if we try to understand this difference deeply, then it is known that the small difference between these two is very deep. Let's try to understand this difference, but before starting we should make one thing clear here:- The review presented is part of our ideology, we are not trying to impose it on anyone in any way. Everyone has the freedom to decide on his own.

According to us, the small difference between yogasana and meditation postures is that meditation (keeping attention on our underlying thoughts) involves both; this does not mean that we cannot meditate while doing yogasana or that we cannot do yogasana while meditating. The only nuance of this difference is that we can do some yogasana with all meditation postures, but we can not perform all yogasana with all meditation techniques, because not all yogasana are designed for meditation. Because many yoga poses require us to focus our attention on our balance and physical condition; if we do not, there is a good chance that our bodies will be harmed.

So let's start now...

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Experience the transformative power of Bhujangasana, the Cobra Pose, in your yoga practice. This asana is a heart-opening pose that stretches the spine and strengthens the back muscles while stimulating the organs of the abdomen. Learn how to properly perform Bhujangasana, the benefits it provides, and modifications for all levels of practitioners. Discover how incorporating this pose into your regular yoga practice can enhance your physical and emotional well-being, and help you cultivate a deeper connection with your body and breath. Explore the world of Bhujangasana today.

Bhujangasana is a yoga asana, which is made by combining two words, one Bhujang means snake, and the other posture. In English, Bhujangasana is called Cobra pose, because in this asana, the shape of the body becomes like Bhujanga, that is, a snake, that is why it is called Bhujangasana or Sarpasana (Sanskrit: Bhujangasana). Bhujangasana helps to improve mental and spiritual health, hence it is also included in Surya Namaskar. Bhujanga, which is called cobra in English, and since it looks like a snake with spreading fun, it is named Bhujangasana. The spinal cord is strengthened by this asana. And flexibility comes in the back. This asana is also perfect for purification of the lungs and people who have a sore throat, asthma, chronic cough or any other lung-related disease should do this asana. With this asana, gall bladder activity increases and the digestive system's soft muscles become strong. It also helps in reducing belly fat and helps prevent the sagging of the lower abdominal muscles due to aging. This gives strength to the arms. It has a good effect on the Ida and Pingla channels located in the back. In particular, the fibers of knowledge coming out of the brain to become strong. All the defects living in the bones of the back are removed. Constipation goes away. And also gives benefits in piles.


Method of doing Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

  1. Spread a blanket or mat on a flat and clean place. After that, lie    down on the stomach and keep both legs straight by joining each  other.
  2. Keep the soles of the feet upwards and the toes of the feet            together. Bend both hands from the elbows and keep both palms resting on the floor next to the chest.
  3. Now take a deep breath and lift the head, then lift the neck upwards, and try to lift the chest and then the stomach slowly.
  4. Only the body from the head to the navel should rise up and the part from below the navel to the toes should remain evenly adjacent to the ground.
  5. Lie straight on the stomach and keep both hands under the forehead.
  6. Keep the toes of both feet together.
  7. Now lift the forehead towards the front and keep both arms parallel to the shoulders so that the weight of the body falls on the arms.
  8. Now raise the front part of the body with the help of the arms.
  9. Stretch the body and take long breaths.
  10. Then, while stretching the neck, slowly try to raise the head backward as much as possible. The eyes should be facing upwards.
  11. Bhujangasan will be complete when the upper part of your body, head, neck, and chest will rise like the hood of a snake.
  12. On the lower side of the back, more stretch or pressure will be felt on the hip and waist joints. In such a situation, looking upwards, hold the breath for a few seconds.
  13. After this, while exhaling, first keep the upper part of the navel, then the chest and the forehead on the ground and leave the body loose by putting the left cheek on the ground.
  14. Stop for some time in this position and do this action again. Do Bhujangasana 3 times in the beginning and later increase it to 5 times. Before doing this asana, take the head back and wait for 2 to 3 seconds and after its practice, stop for 10 to 15 seconds.
  15. Will not inhale at once, but will slowly inhale while doing the asana. Start inhaling slowly and lift the head first, and bend the neck backward.
  16. Keep breathing like this. By applying the force of the back muscles, you should also lift the shoulders, keeping a little pressure on the palms, the weight should be lifted up to the chest and navel.
  17. In every situation, the navel should rise only 30 cm above the ground. Not too much, otherwise, the waist will also rise.
  18. Normally the elbow will not be straight in this position. This should not be done forcefully, otherwise, the shoulders will rise upwards. Rather, in the final stage, the shoulders should be drawn towards the back and should look towards the sky.
  19. In this state, the breath will stop and there will be a stretch on the lower part of the waist, which you will be able to feel. In this situation, you will be able to stop for a few moments i.e. 3-4 seconds only.
  20. While exhaling slowly, first the navel will touch the ground, then the chest, then the shoulders, and lastly the forehead will touch the ground.
  21. Normalize the breath and you can repeat it five times as per your capacity. You can also take some rest after every sequence.


Benefits of Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

  • Bhujangasana makes the unformed waist thin and shapely and attractive.
  • This posture widens the chest, and by doing it daily, height increases.
  • Bhujangasana reduces obesity.
  • By doing Bhujangasana, the tiredness of the body also goes away.
  • By doing this asana, the body becomes beautiful and radiant.
  • This posture also gives relief from many serious stomach-related diseases.
  • Irregularity of menstruation in women, it is beneficial to come with menstrual pain.
  • Bhujangasana makes the waist, and spine thin and flexible and widens the chest.
  • This posture is very beneficial for your muscles.
  • Speeds up blood circulation.
  • Constipation, indigestion, and air disorders are removed and appetite increases.
  • Bhujangasana communicates strength and energy in the body.
  • Strengthens the female uterus.
  • This posture strengthens the spinal cord. And flexibility comes in the back.
  • Bhujangasana is also very good for the purification of the lungs and people who have a sore throat, asthma, chronic cough or any other lung-related disease should do this asana.
  • With Bhujangasana , the activity of the gall bladder increases, and the soft muscles of the digestive system become strong.
  • It also helps in reducing belly fat and helps in preventing the sagging of lower abdominal muscles due to aging.
  • Bhujangasana gives strength to the arms. It has a good effect on the Ida and Pingla channels located in the back. In particular, the fibers of knowledge coming out of the brain to become strong.
  •  All the defects living in the bones of the back are removed.
  • Constipation is removed by Bhujangasana .
  • Bhujangasana also gives benefits in piles.
  • Bhujangasana is a panacea for relieving back pain. It is also helpful in correcting slipped discs.
  • Removes stiffness in the spine. In this way, better coordination is maintained between the mind and the body. The waves coming from the brain reach every part of the body without any hindrance.
  • By stretching the muscles of the spine, waist, and back, circulation of blood in the brain and body also starts in a better way.
  • Bhujangasana enhances the beauty of women.
  • The feces stuck in the intestines come out on their own.
  • Bhujangasana reduces migraine pain.


Scientific Benefits of Bhujangasana

Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose is a highly regarded Yoga cobra position, first outlined in the Gheranda Samhita, one of the three classical Hatha Yoga scriptures of the 17th century. Here are some of the benefits of Bhujangasana, supported by scientific studies:

  1. Reduces stress: Practicing cobra pose helps your back muscles by promoting good blood circulation. It strengthens your hips and spine by stretching them. A study found that practicing yoga including the cobra pose for 12 weeks reduced lower back pain and anxiety .
  2. Improves mental health: Research shows that Hatha yoga, which includes practicing cobra pose twice weekly, can reduce symptoms of mild depression .
  3. Improves physical health: Practicing cobra pose helps your back muscles by promoting good blood circulation. It strengthens your hips and spine by stretching them. A study found that practicing yoga including the cobra pose for 12 weeks reduced lower back pain and anxiety .
  4. Enhances flexibility: Bhujangasana enhances the flexibility of muscles by opening up the shoulders and neck. Moreover, it also relieves pain and fortifies the stiffness of the lower back .
  5. Improves blood circulation: One of the significant advantages of Bhujangasana is that it greatly improves blood circulation. Yoga Cobra pose is perceived to be one of the best asanas to have a flat stomach .

Precautions while doing Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

  • While doing this asana, do not suddenly bend backward too much. This can strain the muscles of your chest or back, and also strain the muscles of your arms and shoulders, which is more likely to cause pain.
  • Do not do this asana if there is any disease in the stomach or excessive pain in the back.
  • A hernia patient should not do this asana.
  • Pregnant women should not do this asana.
  • Bhujangasana and back bending asanas should be performed by patients with peptic ulcer, hernia, and hyperthyroidism only under the supervision of a yoga expert otherwise not.
  • Apart from this, people suffering from ulcers in the stomach, enlargement of the testicles, ulcers, and colitis should not do this asana.
  • Bhujangasana is a bit difficult asana, so do not be in a hurry while doing it.

The science behind Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Bhujangasana is one of the most diverse asanas in the science of yoga. This yoga posture has been told so important because it has many benefits. It makes our back strong and spine flexible. It strengthens our digestive and reproductive systems.
Apart from this, this asana also plays an important role in opening our chakras. For example, the practice of Bhujangasana helps in opening 4 of the 7 chakras in our body. These 4 chakras are Vishuddhi Chakra, Anahata Chakra, Manipur Chakra and Swadhishthana Chakra. If the eyes are kept open during the practice of this asana, it helps in increasing the nerves of the eyes and eye light.

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