Sunday, January 22, 2023

Svadhisthana Chakra

 Svadhisthana Chakra: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide


                        Svadhisthana Chakra, the sacral energy center, holds the essence of creativity, sensuality, and emotional balance within the subtle body. Positioned just below the navel, The Svadhisthana Chakra is the reservoir of our emotions, intimacy, and passion. This chakra governs our capacity for pleasure, creativity, and harmonious relationships. When Svadhisthana Chakra is in balance, individuals experience a sense of emotional well-being, creative inspiration, and a healthy expression of their desires. Practices like yoga, meditation, and mindful movements work to balance and stimulate Svadhisthana Chakra, allowing for a free flow of energy. Awakening and aligning Svadhisthana Chakra is pivotal for nurturing creativity, exploring passions, and fostering healthy emotional connections in life.
                          In our previous post, we learned about what is Muladhara Chakra and its features. Now in this post, we take a step forward and try to get some knowledge about another most important human Chakra called, “Swadhishthana Chakra”.

Unlock the power of the Swadhishthana Chakra, the sacral energy center located in the lower abdomen. This chakra governs our creativity, passion, and emotional balance, making it a vital component of our spiritual and emotional well-being. Discover how to balance and activate the Swadhishthana Chakra with yoga, meditation, and other powerful techniques, and tap into your inner creativity and vitality. Explore the world of the Swadhishthana Chakra today.

Svadhisthana Chakra
Swadhishthana Chakra

The Swadhishthana Chakra signifies the second level of human development. In this begins the evolution of consciousness towards pure, human consciousness. It is the seat of the subconscious mind where all life experiences and shadows from the womb at the beginning of our existence are stored. The awakening of the Swadhishthana Chakra brings clarity and growth in personality.

                       This is the second primary chakra of the human body, and its other name is Dharma Chakra or Udara Chakra. It is said that this chakra is symbolically represented by a lotus with 6 petals, with each petal representing 6 negative characteristics – anger, hatred, rancor, cruelty, lust, and pride. This lotus has 6 petals and is the meeting place of 6 Yoga Nadis. Here, 6 sounds—Vam, Bham, Man, Yam, Ran, and Lam keep coming out. Not only this, but you should also know that the effect of this cycle is from fertility, family, imagination, etc.

                      We all know that three fourth part of the human body is water. The mind affects the velocity of human emotions. Let us also tell you that reproduction takes place from the place of this chakra, which is directly related to the moon.

                      Let it be said that for any seeker who meditates, this chakra helps to keep his mind focused on the spiritual helper powers. The awakening of the Swadhishthana Chakra brings clarity and growth in personality, but for this to happen, we must first cleanse our consciousness of all the negative qualities around us.

Symbol of Swadhishthana Chakra

The symbolic picture of the Swadhishthana Chakra is a lotus with 6 petals. These petals are symbols of 6 mental disorders – anger, hatred, ill will, cruelty, lust and pride which the seeker has to overcome. They are also indicative of the six qualities that hinder a person's development - laziness, fear, doubt, revenge, jealousy and greed. The alphabets of six vermilion-colored petals are "Bam", "Bhan", "Mam", "Yam", "Ran" and "Lam".
The animal symbolizing the Swadhishthana Chakra is the crocodile. It symbolizes the lethargy, indifference and danger that lurk in this cycle.
The corresponding element of this chakra is water, which is also a symbol of hidden danger.

Color of Swadhishthana Chakra

The color of Swadhishthana is orange. This color of sunrise is the symbol of rising consciousness. Orange is also the color of activism and purity. It symbolizes positive qualities and qualities such as happiness, loyalty, confidence, and energy are generated in this chakra.

Svadhisthana Chakra Location
Svadhisthana Chakra Location

Mantra of Swadhishthana -Chakra or Svadhisthana -Trika

Inside this lotus is a white crescent, which represents the water region presided over by the god Varuna. Its seed mantra is located in the innermost chakra, which is the moon while "Vam" is written.
The one inside the point above the mantra is Lord Vishnu. He is dark blue in complexion and wears a yellow dhoti. He has conch, mace, chakra, and lotus.
                         He wears the Shreevatsa mark and the Kaustubha stone. He is seated either on a pink lotus or on the divine eagle Garuda.
                         His power is Goddess Rakini. He is dressed in black, red, or white and is seated on a red lotus. He is usually depicted with one face and two bandhas.
                         One who holds a sword in one hand and a shield in the other, or two-faced and four-armed, and has a trident, lotus, drum, and vajra, or an arrow, skull, drum, and tremendous demon.
The animal symbolizing the Swadhishthana Chakra is the crocodile. It symbolizes lethargy, indifference, and danger, which are hidden in this cycle. It should be understood very deeply that water is very soft and flexible, but when it goes out of control, it is also very powerful.

Problems due to Swadhishthana chakra imbalance 

When the Sacral Chakra or Swadhishthana Chakra is imbalanced, it can make you feel emotionally and physically weak. 

  • Depression, being overly sensitive, and experiencing anxiety can all be symptoms of turbulent energy.
  • Fear of losing control in a relationship along with compulsive or obsessive behavior is a sign of an unbalanced Swadhishthana chakra.
  • It also affects attachment to physical things like work and career. Here we will know some major problems that arise in the human body when the Swadhishthana Chakra is imbalanced.
  • Chronic back pain problem
  • Arthritis complaint
  • Genital or sexual problems
  • Hip problems
  • Anemia problem
  • Couple problem
  • Lack of physical energy
  • Spleen and kidney problem
  • Premenstrual

Symptoms of an overactive Swadhishthana Chakra

An overactive chakra means too much energy is being distributed throughout the body. Since this chakra governs emotions, hyperactive energy creates an overwhelming feeling.

  • Experiencing emotions more deeply and having extreme mood swings indicate a hypersensitive nature.
  • A sense of dissatisfaction with life due to the constant struggle to fulfill oneself with external things can lead to addictive behavior.
  • A dysfunctional chakra can affect overall physical and mental health.
  • When it gets blocked in your body. So feelings of lack of control can range from uncertainty to an inability to cope with life's changes.
  • The path to free expression of desires also hinders artistic abilities. Also, being dependent or co-dependent on other people creates a psychological imbalance that leads to alienation from oneself.
  • Fear of missing out on joy or happiness
  • Lack of Creativity
  • Extreme Fatigue
  • Lack of desire
  • Insecurity
  • Feeling of alienation
  • Decreased libido

Svadhisthana Chakra
Swadhishthana Chakra

Opening the Swadhishthana Chakra

Under this process, confirm the negative thoughts that have settled somewhere in your subconscious mind by converting them into positive thoughts and sending those positive signals to the subconscious mind.

For this, we should repeat or pronounce some things continuously, like
  • I am full of enthusiasm.
  • I am a creative creature.
  • There are boundaries around me that protect me.

The awakening of the Swadhishthana Chakra brings clarity and growth in personality.

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