Friday, January 13, 2023


 Siddhasana Yoga Pose


Welcome to the sacred practice of Siddhasana, an ancient and revered posture within the realm of yoga and meditation. Siddhasana, known as the 'accomplished pose,' holds profound significance as a seated posture that channels energies and aids in deepening one's meditative experience. With its roots embedded in tradition and spiritual wisdom, Siddhasana offers a gateway to inner stillness and self-realization. Join us as we explore the essence and significance of Siddhasana, unveiling the intricacies of this posture and its alignment with the subtle energy centers of the body. Embrace the tranquility and groundedness that Siddhasana bestows, guiding us towards spiritual growth and a profound sense of harmony within ourselves and the universe. Let's embark on this enlightening journey, honoring the timeless wisdom and transformative power of Siddhasana with each intentional movement, each breath, and each moment of meditative presence.

Siddhasana, an ancient yogic posture revered for its profound spiritual significance and physical alignment, opens the doors to a transformative journey within. As you delve into the world of yoga, Siddhasana stands tall as a pose that not only nurtures the body but also nurtures the soul. Known as the 'Accomplished Pose,' Siddhasana aids in grounding the mind, fostering a deep sense of stability and tranquility. Join us in exploring the essence of Siddhasana, uncovering its sacred roots, techniques, and the spiritual elevation it offers to practitioners.

       In our previous post, we got information about Sukhasana, today we are going to get information about the asana, we know that asana by the name of “Siddhasana”. Siddhasana is considered the best in the world of Yogasanas. Yoga has been practiced since ancient times in India to make the body healthy and free from diseases. Yoga experts say that its regular practice keeps the body healthy and gets rid of diseases.

“Embark on a spiritual odyssey with Siddhasana, the revered yogic pose known for stability and inner balance. Discover its ancient roots and the transformative tranquility it brings to the mind and body.”


Siddhasana is a Sanskrit language word. This word is made up of two words. The first word is Siddha which means complete and the second word is Asana means a particular sitting, it is also called Pose or Posture in English. Siddhasana is also called Auspicious Pose or Accomplished Pose in the English language.

This is a complete posture of yoga. Regular practice of Siddhasana is very beneficial for both body and mind. According to yoga science, Siddhasana works to keep both the mind and body calm and healthy.

How to perform Siddhasana

  • First, sit in an open space with the help of a yoga mat.
  • Now keep both your feet forward.
  • After this, keep the hands on the ground.
  • Now place the heel of your left (reverse) foot at the place between the testicle and the anus, and similarly place the heel of your right (straight) foot at the indicated place.
  • Keep your knees on the ground and fold your hands forward and keep them above the knees or heels.
  • Do this process properly as well.
  • Place the fingers of both your hands on the knees in Gyan Mudra.
  • During this, keep the spine straight.
  • Breathe in and release out slowly.
  • Keeping the body straight, focus your attention on the middle part of the brain.
  • Initially, practice for 2 to 3 minutes.
  • After this, you can increase its limit.

Precautions to be taken while doing Siddhasana

  • Householders should not practice this asana for a long time.
  • Siddhasana should not be done forcefully.
  • Individuals with sciatica and slip disc should also not practice this.
  • People who have complaints of knee pain, joint pain, or back pain should also not practice it.
  • Patients suffering from anal diseases like piles etc. should also not practice it.


Benefits of Siddhasana 

  • The practice of this asana helps in ending sex drive and helps in attaining celibacy.
  • This posture ensures the flow of prana through the subtle nerves while giving mental stability and helps in awakening the Kundalini.
  • Regular practice of this asana purifies all the nerves of the body and brings freshness to the whole body. The impurities of 72 thousand Nadis can be removed by the practice of this asana.
  • This asana is an excellent asana for meditation and at the same time plays a big role in concentrating your mind.
  • Regular practice of this asana sharpens the mind. That's why it is a great yoga practice for boys and girls.
  • The problem of loss of appetite, fatigue, insomnia, depression, etc. goes away.
  • It accelerates your ravenousness and helps in regularizing the digestion process.
  • The muscles of the thighs are healthy and flexible.
  • The spine becomes strong.
  • Many diseases like dyspepsia, dyspepsia, congestion, rheumatism, decay, asthma, diabetes, enlargement of the spleen, etc. are cured.
  • Respiratory diseases, heart diseases, chronic fever, indigestion, diarrhea, Shukra dosha, etc. go away.
  • Semen is protected by this asana. Those who have complaints of bad dreams must practice this asana. And cures sexually related diseases.

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