Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Manipura Chakra

 Manipura Chakra: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide


    Manipura Chakra, the radiant solar plexus energy center, embodies personal power, will, and inner strength in the subtle body. Nestled around the navel area, Manipura Chakra is the seat of our self-esteem, confidence, and vitality. This chakra governs our sense of identity, courage, and assertiveness. When Manipura Chakra is balanced, individuals experience a sense of empowerment, self-assurance, and a strong sense of purpose. Various practices such as yoga, meditation, and breathwork aim to harmonize and activate Manipura Chakra, facilitating the free flow of energy. Awakening and balancing Manipura Chakra is essential for cultivating a balanced sense of self, fostering confidence, and asserting one's authentic power and purpose in life.

                             In our previous posts, we learned about what is Muladhara Chakra and Swadhishthana Chakra. Now in this post, we take a step forward and try to get some knowledge about another most important human Chakra called,  “Manipura Chakra”.

                            Discover the transformative power of the Manipura Chakra, the solar plexus energy center that governs our self-esteem, willpower, and sense of personal power. Located in the upper abdomen, this chakra plays a key role in our ability to take action and pursue our goals. Learn how to balance and activate the Manipura Chakra with yoga, meditation, and other powerful techniques, and unleash your inner strength and confidence. Explore the world of the Manipura Chakra today.

Manipura Chakra
Manipura Chakra

Manipur Chakra
navel center
mani = jewel
Pur = place, city

The Manipura Chakra is the “City of Jewels” in which we find the pearls of clarity, wisdom, self-confidence, and well-being. Their luster radiates down to the lower Chakras as well as up to the Heart Centre (Anahata Chakra). The feelings of love and happiness that we feel in our hearts actually originate in the Manipura Chakra and rise from there to the Heart Centre (Anahata Chakra). The positive radiance emanating from the Manipura Chakra also purifies the Swadhishthana Chakra and Muladhara Chakras and their qualities.

                                Manipura Chakra is located behind the navel. Its mantra is 'Rum'. When we reach the Chetan Mani Chakra, we have overcome everything that is negative in Swadhishthana. Many precious gems in the Manipura Chakra contain qualities such as clarity, faith, joy, self-assurance, wisdom, intelligence, and the ability to make the right decisions.

                                  The color of the Manipura Chakra is yellow. The animal representing Manipura is Medha (Aries). Its identical element is fire, hence it is also known as 'Agni' or 'Sun Center'. The fire element in the body is manifested in the same way as heat in the solar system. Manipura is the center of Chakra Sphutri. It controls our energy for our health, financial plans, and stability. The effect of this chakra is like a magnet, which attracts prana from the universe towards itself.

                                  As the seat of the digestive fire, this chakra identifies with the pancreas and the process of digestive perception. Blockages in this center can lead to many health conditions, such as digestive disorders, circulatory diseases, diabetes, and fluctuations in blood pressure. However, a sighted and active Manichakra is very helpful in good health and helps us to prevent many diseases. When the range of this chakra's electricity flows, the effect is like an energy beam, constantly energizing - maintaining balance and strength.

Manipura Chakra Image
Manipura Chakra Image

                              The symbol of the Manipura Chakra is a lotus with ten petals. It symbolizes the ten pranas, the primeval forces that control and nourish all the functions of the human body. An additional symbol of Manika is the triangle, whose apex points downward. It signifies the spread, origin, and development of energy. With the activation of Manichakra, person is freed from negative energies and purity and power are manifested in his spirit.The ten petals of the Manipura chakra are dark-blue or black, like a cloud heavily laden with rain, with the words shan, tha, shan, tan, tha, dah, dha, nam, pa and phan written in dark blue. These petals represent the instincts of spiritual ignorance, thirst, envy, betrayal, shame, fear, hatred, confusion, stupidity, and sadness.
These petals represent the ten pranas (currents and energy vibrations), which are controlled by it.

                            The deities of this chakra are Vishnu and Lakshmi. Lord Vishnu is the symbol of the rising human consciousness, which has absolutely no animal character. Goddess Lakshmi is the symbol - of material and spiritual prosperity, which flourishes with the grace and blessings of the Lord.

The Color of Manipura Chakra

The color of the third chakra Manipura is yellow. This color symbolizes energy, intelligence, and a person's relationship with fire and the sun. Yellow also represents youth, new beginnings, birth, and rebirth. Yellow color connects us with knowledge and intelligence, people who are attracted to the yellow color are interested in intellectual pursuits.

Specialty of Manipura Chakra

When the seeker's Kundalini reaches the Manipur Chakra, he overcomes the negative aspects of the Swadhishthana Chakra. Along with this, he gets qualities like precious gems like clarity, self-confidence, joy, self-confidence, knowledge, wisdom, and the ability to take the right decisions. This chakra is the center of inspiration. It regulates the energy of the seeker to strengthen and reinforce his health. It attracts Prana from the universe towards itself.

The Mantra of Manipura Chakra

The mantra of the Manipura Chakra is “เคฐं”/"R". To awaken the Manipura Chakra, you have to meditate while chanting this mantra. It is believed that when one's consciousness reaches the Manipur Chakra, one has overcome the negative aspects of Swadhishthana. Along with this, it is also said that due to its awakening, craving, jealousy, backbiting, shame, fear, hatred, attachment, etc. go away.

Effects of Manipura Chakra

When a person's consciousness reaches the Manipura Chakra, then the person overcomes the negative aspects of Swadhishthana. A person with Manipura Chakra is strong and confident and even comes out of his comfort zone to accomplish his goals. And due to its awakening, craving, envy, backbiting, shame, fear, hatred, attachment, etc. go away. This chakra basically provides self-power.

Problems due to Unbalanced Manipur Chakra

  • When the Manipura Chakra is out of balance, digestive problems arise in the body. This can show up as improper processing of nutrients, constipation, or irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Some symptoms of an imbalance in this energy center of the chakra are related to eating disorders, ulcers, diabetes, and problems with the pancreas, liver, and colon. An imbalance of this chakra can also cause serious emotional problems in the body.
  • Starting with suspicion and mistrust of the people in your life, continuing with a lot of worries about what others might think of you.
  • Some may experience low levels of self-esteem, constantly seeking validation and approval from others. This imbalance can lead to unhealthy attachments to the people in your life.
  • Activating it in your body creates a desire to gain insight into an understanding of power, individuality, and identity.
  • In some people, a misaligned Manipura Chakra can make efficient self-expression challenging. In some people, this manifests as overly rigid or controlling behavior.
  • In others, it creates a victim mentality, neediness, and a lack of direction or self-esteem to stand up and take positive action.

Manipura Chakra Location
Manipura Chakra Location

Benefits of Awaking of Manipura Chakra

  • When your body is in this healthy alignment, it lets go of insecurities. It leads to recognizing the inherent power and feeling empowered.
  • Connecting with a strong purpose in life leads to a deeper sense of personal contribution to achieving success.
  • This brings prosperity to personal and professional life. It becomes easier to let go of negative things as the dependence on others is reduced.
  • You feel within yourself, that there has been a marked improvement in recognizing your self-worth instead of focusing on material things.
  • This positive change is brought about by the consistent practice of checking for and recognizing signs of blockage.
  • A well-balanced Manipura Chakra in the body enables us to plan effectively and achieve success.
  • By cleansing and opening this chakra, one can become a better leader, and lead an inspiring life.

Simple and Easy Techniques that can help in balancing Manipura Chakra

By regular pronunciation of some things, we can balance our Manipura Chakra, or even open it: -

  • I feel calm, confident, and powerful.
  • I feel ready to face challenges.
  • I feel inspired to pursue my purpose.
  • I am ambitious and capable.
  • I forgive myself for past mistakes and learn from them.
  • The only thing I need to control is how I react to situations.
  • I can make positive changes in my life.
  • I stand in my personal power.

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